Simple Fundraising FAQs

Q: How long should my fundraiser be live?

A: We recommend having a start and end date on your fundraiser. Having a deadline will create some urgency for your team to get out and sell. When selecting an end date, consider your fundraising goals, and the number of people on your team. Be sure to give them enough time to be successful.


Q: When will my orders ship?

A: Orders ship within 4 days of being placed. Yes, even for customized products!

Q: How much does my team make for each product sold?

A: For each product sold, your team will receive $25.


Q: How do I withdraw money from my team’s account?

A: When setting up your team’s Simple Fundraising account, Account Managers must connect a PayPal account. Every 15 days, your team’s Simple Fundraising profits will be deposited into that PayPal account.


Q: How can my Simple Fundraising money be used?

A: However you want! Some Account Managers/Coaches cash it in to make a big purchase or pay a bill. Others distribute the funds to each of their teammates to help with registration fees or uniform costs. The possibilities are endless!


Start a Team Account